Welcome Laura Hester!
December 17, 2019
Catholic Schools and “the Great Pivot”
May 18, 2020You may or may not have noticed that the Aim Higher Foundation hasn’t joined in the sudden barrage of emails about COVID-19 from the many organizations explaining how they are responding to the global pandemic.
While these communications are important, and we are grateful for the goodwill and sound advice provided in each, we have made the intentional decision to take a different approach.
Instead, we have given ourselves time to observe what is unfolding for those affected by our mission, to listen to key stakeholders, and to analyze and plan our next move so that we can best serve those who rely on our funding. After this analysis, here is our conclusion:
Our mission remains unchanged.
We are singularly focused: our work, to provide tuition-assistance scholarships to families with demonstrated financial need so that their children can enroll—and stay enrolled—in a Catholic school, will not change.
In fact, on Wednesday, we sent the first round of notifications to families announcing their scholarships for the 2020-21 school year. Compared to last year at this time, the total amount we awarded increased by nearly $500,000! Because of your support, we are providing hope to the thousands of families who were experiencing hardship before the pandemic.
Do we still need your help? Absolutely. Will we change our focus? No.
We now know that the need many of the children we serve will be changing. More scholarships are going to be required in the coming days and weeks to help more students remain in Catholic schools in this Archdiocese. We stand ready.
Catholic schools and the children within their walls are the responsibility of the entire community. And the question we have joined Archbishop Hebda and Bishop Cozzens in asking this past year remains exactly the same: do we have the will to ensure the future of these critical educational institutions?
If you would like to help us provide more scholarships which will help more students attend and remain enrolled in stronger Catholic schools, give us a call, send us an email, or if you’re so inclined, make a gift. We would be glad to continue this conversation in service to the children of this community.
HOW WE ARE Helping
The Aim Higher Foundation Reserve Fund
The Reserve Fund Scholarship is a $1,000 Aim Higher Scholarship awarded to K-8 students from families who experience sudden and unexpected financial hardship outside of the Foundation’s normal application and awarding timelines. The goal of the scholarship is to ensure an awardee can remain enrolled in his or her Catholic school through 8th-grade.