OUR Board of Directors

The Aim Higher Foundation’s Board of Directors brings together noteworthy lay and clerical leaders with a passion for Catholic education and our mission and experiences in the fields of school administration, board governance, financial management, law, consulting, teaching, non-profit development, and more.

The Aim Higher team relies on the nuanced perspectives, invaluable expertise, and active contributions provided by our board. We are deeply grateful for their willingness to give of their time and talent.


Mary E. Schaffner

Chair of the Board
Retired SVP & Senior Company Counsel

Jane McDonald Black

Executive Director, JAB Foundation

Jeff Cachat

Territory Sales Director for Hypertec Group

Christopher Collins, S.J.

Vice President for Mission, University of St. Thomas

Jackie Daylor

KPMG Lead Auditor Engagement Partner

Joseph P. Donnelly

Secretary of the Board
Retired Director of Laboratory Operations for 3M

Brent Frederick

Jester Concepts Owner, Hospitality Industry Leader

Paul Herro

Chief Operating Officer for Eyesafe

Julie Hurley

Retired Auditor and Property Manager

Steve Lucke

Retired Attorney and Mediator

Donal L. Mulligan

Retired CFO for General Mills; Former Chair of the Aim Higher Foundation Board of Directors

Elizabeth Nientimp

Director of Enterprise Editorial, Target

Sarah Schumacher

Treasurer of the BoardRetired Certified Public Accountant for Best Buy

Greg Schumacher

Partner, Granite Partners

Ricky Austin

President, Aim Higher Foundation

OUR Alumni Committee Members

Daniel Alimo

Scholarship Committee Member; Associate Business Banker, JP Morgan Chase Co.

Andrea Urzua

Finance Committee Member, Accounting and Finance Professional

OUR Non-Director Committee Members

Thomas Hodgdon

Development Committee Member, Strategy & Analytics Director for Granite Companies

Tom Margarit

Finance Committee Member; Boyum Barenscheer, Principal

Emily Howald Sefton

Development Committee Member; Contract Editor, Mpls.St.Paul Magazine

Steve Sefton

Finance Committee Member; President for Clearwater Equity Group

Brian Warpinski

Finance Committee Member, Morgan Stanley, Managing Director

Dan Weiler

Scholarship Committee Member, Corporate Banking Executive

OUR School Leader Advisory Committee

The Aim Higher Foundation’s School Leader Advisory Committee provides school and family-level perspective on the implementation and impact of the Foundation’s programs, policies, and procedures. Meeting quarterly, the committee is composed of leaders from a variety of backgrounds, roles, and types of Catholic schools across the Archdiocese.

To inquire about joining the committee, please contact Ricky Austin.


Laurie Barclay

Administrative Assistant

St. Jude of the Lake Catholic School

Craig Fiedler

Director of Advancement

St. Jerome School

 Karla Gergen


St. Helena Catholic School

 Adam Groebner


St. Therese Catholic School

Becky Kennedy

Principal, Committee Chair

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School

Jean Landman

School Business Administrator

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School

Allison Mertz

Assistant Director for Admissions

Holy Family Catholic High School

Patrick O’Keefe


Blessed Trinity Catholic School

Joseph Olson

Director of Admissions

St. Agnes School

Katie Owens

Director of Financial Grants

Visitation School

Ryan Pajak


Nativity of Mary School

Mike Rogers


Risen Christ Catholic School

Joan Soper

Director of Mission, Events, and Communication

St. Raphael Catholic School